October 21st MCJ Monthly Meeting

September 16th MCJ Monthly Meeting

We will be meeting at the Flight Deck in Lexington at 7:00pm. Come early to chat and order food.

We will be discussing our upcoming trips for this fall and winter.

Upcoming Trips:

November 23 – Toys 4 Tots @ 33
December 8th – West Metro Parade Of Lights
December 13-15 – Uwharrie Christmas Crawl

We will also be discussing officer Elections for the 2014 calendar year. Please plan to attend this meeting.
I emailed out the Meeting Recap to the 2013 members, but I forgot to post it here.

Hey guys,

I want to thank all of you for coming out to the meeting last night, we had a great turnout to discuss our officers for next year and our upcoming trips. I really appreciate the input that we recieved.

We discussed the officers duties for next year and that we will continue with the 3 member Board of Directors, plus we will have the Secretary and Treasurer. We will take nominations for those positions at the November Meeting and vote on them at the December Meeting.

The January 2014 Meeting will be lead by the new officers.

Upcoming trips and info:

November 1st -- Jeep restoration work day 8:00AM to 12:00noon.
--we will be working on the body and take some progress pictures of what we accomplish.

November 23rd -- Toys 4 Tots.
-- Spread the word! There will be a group camping friday night and others will meet at the huddle house in the morning on saturday. 8:00am or earlier for breakfast, we will be leaving the huddle house at 9:00am to go head to the trail. We will be doing Hotdogs and Chili. I will send more information out about the meal soon. Entry fee for the event will be a $15 toy per person. The more the better. If you have any questions let us know.

December 8th -- West Metro Parade of Lights
-- This was a great event last year and I'm sure it will be a ton of fun again this year. We will have more information about meeting time at the next meeting. We will be meeting HERE

December 13-15 -- Uwharrie Christmas Crawl
-- we took up payments for the house at the meeting. If you are interested in staying in the house with us you need to let us know NOW if you were not at the meeting and did not email me.

We are also gearing up for another T-shirt order.

Again, thanks for coming out to the meeting and let me know if you have any questions.
