MCJ @ Gulchefest October 18-21 (CANCELED)

Who all plans to go? We should get a big campsite as a club and bring a crowd out there, looks like a good time. Who all went last year from the club?
I registered for Andrea and I. We will be camping in Campsite 2. I figured we could grab a big campsite and have a good group to camp with.

Get on it if you want to register with the OffroadSC supporter discount it expires August 31st!!!
I'll be there Sat/Sun and need space for 2tents. I still gotta register, so I know I may be SOL on camping.
Camping is still available. We can't discount at the gate like we did last year so please PRE-REGISTER to save money! We are looking very low right now so get in while you can! We are gonna do as much as we can regardless! We fund most of this event ourselves with a little help from our vendors. Gonna take a loss this year im afraid.
im not taking my jeep to the cu offroad ure trip the weekend before so i may drive it down to gulches for that weekend. wont be able to preregister cause i wont know if im comin til the week of. but i hope i can make it out. ill also see if anyone else in the club wants to ride to .