June 18th MCJ Monthly Meeting

Its that time again. MidCarolina Jeepers June Meeting is this coming Monday

meeting starts at 7pm. Food will be out at 6:30.

We will be discussing our upcoming trips for this summer to Bumpus Cove and the Peach Parade

I will have shirts for sale as well.

7:00pm at Carolina Wings on St. Andrews Road.

Post up if you plan to attend.
Meeting is TONIGHT, A few notes about the meeting.

We will be discussing the July 4th Parade, so if you plan to attend that event please be there to hear details.

Bumpus Cove Trip in July, We will be setting a time to leave and agenda.

I have MCJ shirts, stickers, and coozies for pickup if anyone wants to buy some.

Tonight I mixed it up a little bit and got 2 wing flavors instead of 3 but I added Chicken tenders to the buffet. So it will be a bit more than just wings. She is doing it for the same price tonight, but if we want to keep doing it it will be $.50 more per order.

Come on out before the meeting to hang out.
Upcoming Trips

  • June 30th : CMB Day @ Gulches
  • July 4th : Gilbert Peach Parade
  • July 16th : July Monthly Meeting
  • July 20-22nd : Bumpus Cove, TN trip
  • August 18th : Lake Day and BBQ
  • August 20th : August Monthly Meeting
  • August 30-September 3rd Windrock OHV Park Trip
  • September 17th : September Monthly Meeting
  • November 17th : Toys 4 Tots
  • December 1st : Columbia Christmas Parade
  • December 7-9th or 14-16th : Christmas Uwharrie Trip


Who all from the club mentioned they were going to CMD? I know Larry and maybe Greg will be there.


Who all from the club mentioned they were going to CMD? I know Larry and maybe Greg will be there.
How is this supposed to work? Is there a list of those that Chris invited to get in free?
My brother is supposed to be coming too and maybe my dad.


How is this supposed to work? Is there a list of those that Chris invited to get in free?
My brother is supposed to be coming too and maybe my dad.
Yeah there is a list of 50 people that get in free for the whole weekend, and get a free meal Saturday. I'm not sure who all is on there. I know Me and Gillis are on there. I know Skip has the list, because he was explaining to me how it was going to work.