Official ORSC GMRS Frequencies

Not everyone will be using the same equipment or have the ability to program channels in the field into their radios, Below you will find our official "Codeplug" of channels the majority of members will be using during events, such as OSCAR, The Clemson 4 Wheel Poker run, Parades, etc. The frequencies below are a mix of License required GMRS and FRS. It is your responsibility to understand what frequencies, power levels and bandwidth you are allowed to operate on. This is just a recommendation. I would also recommend anyone that is using a generic GMRS Radio to print this table out and keep a copy in your rig for trail reference.

So 123 Hz is the CTCSS tone we'll be using for everything? Don't want to get myself in a situation where I can't hear anyone haha
bumping this back up, i know there were some people asking about this at OSCAR. If you need the frequencies they are listed at the beginning of this thread.
I need someone to program my Rugged Radio to talk shit to you guys. Todd and I just rode around Saturday for 4 hours before anyone woke up pounding dirt roads...
I need to get a chart like that with more channels to save to my phone. I'm always trying to google that info at the trail head.
Also, we may need to update that chart so that we can list the Midland channel and privacy codes. we list the channel 18, but there are privacy codes that further limit it that aren't listed.