June 17th MCJ Monthly meeting

Hey guys, Summer is here and its time to talk about what we are doing. We have a really fun trip coming up in June to the Green River for some tubing.

We will also be discussing the peach festival and the Range Day in July.

Be sure to come on out and see what we are up to this summer.

Meeting will start at 7:00pm at the Flight Deck in Lexington, get there early to chat. Many members arrive a little after 6.

Hope to see you all there!
Had a great turnout last night, thanks for all of you coming out to see whats going on this summer with MCJ.

Here are a few things on our calendar coming up.

June 21-23 -- Tubing in Saluda, NC

July 4 -- Gilbert Peach Festival

July 5-7 -- Gulches July 4th Weekend. $50 for the whole weekend of fireworks, night rides, rubber duck race.

July 20 -- Range Day, Pool Day, Movie @ The Big MO.

July 27 -- Jeep Restoration Work Day

August 30-Sept 2 -- Labor Day at The Cove, TN. Trail riding and Camping