July 16th MCJ Monthly Meeting

Hey guys and gals, I sent out an email last week about the meeting tonight, but just wanted to remind yall.

Our meeting is TONIGHT 7-16-12 at 7:00pm at Carolina Wings on St. Andrews rd.

We will be discussing upcoming trips and club business for the fall.

Upcoming trips:

July 20-22 Bumpus Cove

August 30-Sept 3 Windrock OHV Park
Thanks for all of the MidCarolina Jeepers members that made it out to the meeting last night we had a pretty good turnout and got to discuss some club activities. Here are some minutes from the meeting:

--There were no new members in attendance so we began the meeting with a report from our treasurer...oh wait, he wasnt there. So we elected a new treasurer. Jeannie Pender was nice enough to volunteer to the position of Treasurer and she was voted in by the Board. We hope to have here in control of our account before the August meeting. Thanks so much Jeannie for your help!

We discussed the recent trips and events including the Shooting range/ pool party day, Chris May's B-Day at Gulches, and the Gilbert Peach Parade. We had 12 jeeps in the Gilbert parade which is Awesome, thanks to all who were able to attend that event!

Upcoming trips:

July 20-22nd : This Weekend is Bumpus Cove! There will be two groups leaving friday, one is meeting at Bill and Fran's Restaurant in Newberry right off I-26 at 8:30AM. We will be grabbing some food and then heading up to Saluda, NC for some tubing and then we will be heading to setup Camp at Bumpus.

If you dont want to tube with us you can head up friday night with another group who will be leaving Irmo area around 6ish.

August 18th: Lake Day and BBQ has been cancelled. Its going to be hot and everyone has plenty of things they could do. If anyone wants to setup a get together for that day post up.

August 20th: Our August Monthly Meeting

August 30 - September 3rd: Windrock OHV Trip.

Thanks again for all who came out to the meeting, hope to see many of you this weekend!