July 15th MCJ Monthly Meeting

Meeting starts at 7:00pm at the Flight Deck in Lexington, SC. Please get there early if you can if you plan to order food. Many members arrive around 6:00pm.

We will be discussing our Club Lake/Pool Day. We will also be finalizing details for our Coppinger Cove trip and any other summer trips.

Come on out and see what we are up to!
Hey gang,

Thanks for coming out to our July Monthly Meeting. Here are some of the topics we discussed.

Budget - We will be preparing to order shirts in September for the 2013-2014 year.

Past Trips- We had a great time on the NC Tubing trip and had a nice group of jeeps for the Peach Festival Parade this month.

Future Trips:

July 20th - Shooting Range Day has been CANCELLED for this month.

July 27th - Jeep Restoration Work Day in Lexington

July 27th - Papa Deans B-Day at Gulches

August 19th - MCJ Monthly Meeting

August 30th - Sept 2nd - Labor Day trip at Coppinger Cove in TN

October 19-20th - North Georgia or NC Offroad Adventure and Camping

November - Toys 4 Tots Trail Ride

December 6-8th - UWharrie Christmas Trip