Last weekend i was going to lunch with my wife and traveling on a road we have been on many times. We come up to a stop sign and i glance over to the side and i see a little trailer sitting near some bushes. The house where it is at is kind of ar from the road and i didnt see people around. the next day we go the same route and i look at it again. I guess with winter the leavers were not blocking it. So i decided that on Monday i would send out a letter in the mail to the address and ask if it is for sale. Then Friday morning at work i get a phone call and the gentleman who owns the trailer called me. He said it is for sale and that he was going to put it up on marketplace in a week or so. So after work i head over. look it over and made a deal for it. And quickly ran home for my hitch to bring the prize home
It is actually in darn good shape for its age. Has original taillight still.
I did pull off aftermarket taillights and cut off the rust higned for the tailgate since the tailgate wa just sitting in the bed. I will need to cut off the coupler and replace it, it is really badly installed. It looks to hace CJ 15" wheels on it. I already ordered some 700-15 tires to make it look right. A few bad spots in the bed, but all in all i am pretty much going to sand , treat the surface rust and i think clear coat it.

It is actually in darn good shape for its age. Has original taillight still.
I did pull off aftermarket taillights and cut off the rust higned for the tailgate since the tailgate wa just sitting in the bed. I will need to cut off the coupler and replace it, it is really badly installed. It looks to hace CJ 15" wheels on it. I already ordered some 700-15 tires to make it look right. A few bad spots in the bed, but all in all i am pretty much going to sand , treat the surface rust and i think clear coat it.