Post your Picture of the day

So, Im not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing but i get to do a good bit of traveling around the country for work. Me being the nerd i am, one of the first things i do when i get some free time is look up : Hobby shops and Camera stores. We just don't have those back home. This week im in the Denver CO area and yesterday i did my typical google search, since my hobby of the month is me quad copter i thought id start with hobby shops.. Google turned up several good prospective visits. Heli Port hobbies and The Crawl Space. So a little more looking and The Crawl space is a complete hobby shop devoted to RC Crawlers :drool: Off i go... Show up Awesome Axial Banner on the window.. Closed (due to remodel or some crap) So i take off to the next stop Heli Port. I show up and the guy has this beast on the counter doing some upgrades.
This is the Camera operators Remote moves the 3 axis gimbal and downlinks the NEX7 camera feed..
It huge, built with the highest quality components(mentally estimated he had about 8G invested). I get to talking to the guy and he actually works with a local film maker for commercial work. Typical working budget is 15-60K. I ended up spending o, about 5 hours just talking about RC aircraft.

So after the "Real" work was done today i called over to The Crawl Space he was open, so i took off. Walked in to see a WALL of Axial/Vanquish/ETC parts more foams and tires then i have ever seen in one place. img2014100.jpg
I turn the corner and see the indoor Rock Course.. Its pretty impressive.. img201wfw.jpg I did the polite thing (actually just wanted to rub what i had discovered in) and called Brooks to see if he needed any parts. I ended up leaving with the RC4WD Warn Winch and Remote and a few mini Shackles.
Jon kaase built boss motor In a deuce were building header back exhaust for. 700hp/750ft lb naturally aspirated. Guy I work for built this car 8 years ago in another shop when he was starting out. Car has 30k+ miles on it and he wore the built 460 out.

That much power in that little of car is stupid.


Used the Sami for some farm work today. Pulled up an old fence line and some small trees out of the way.


It works pretty good just to drive off into the woods towing the trees...